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Since you are checking out our insurance website, we are guessing that you might be concerned about security.  The most important matter of security is your eternal well being.  You may say to yourself that you are good with the Man upstairs or that you are a good person, but Biblically speaking, that kind of thinking will not get you to Heaven.

Would you like to take a test to see if you are good enough to go to Heaven?

  • Have you ever told a lie?  If so, how many?  A person that tells a lie is called a _______?

  • Have you ever stolen anything?  A person that steals is called a ________?

  • Have you ever put God's name in vain?  Such as saying OMG?

We are not condemning you.   Did you just realize that by your own admission you are a liar, thief and blasphemer at heart?  If God were to judge you by His Commandments, would you go to Heaven or Hell?

Justice must be served.  But God is rich in mercy.  He became a man (in Jesus Christ) and suffered and died on the cross, taking your punishment upon Himself.  We broke the Law, and Jesus paid our fine: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).  Then Jesus rose from the grave and defeated death.  That means you can be given everlasting life with God!  Do what the Bible says. Repent (turn from all sin), and trust Jesus Christ alone for your eternal salvation -- as you would trust a parachute to save you.  Do it now; you may not have tomorrow.

How to Battle Depression & Suicidal Thoughts

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Please read "Save Yourself Some Pain"

(for principles of Christian growth) at

Once we see that we are sinners, all we have to do is repent of our sins and place our trust in Jesus.  Christ did the work for us.  Ephesians 1:8-9 tells us "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."


Romans 5:10 says "Now you are as an enemy with God, we can be reconciled (made right) by the death of Jesus".  Jesus did the work for us.  

We are to repent - not because we have been caught, but knowing we have offended almighty God.


Romans 3:23 tells us all of us have sinned.  Romans 6:23 explains that because of our sins, we have earned the wages of death.  

Just as a criminal deserves to pay for his crimes.  Instead of us paying for the crimes we have done against God, Jesus took the payment.  He died on the cross.  Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.  You and I are not worthy.  


We are not to trust in ourselves, but to place our trust in Jesus.  Just as someone would trust in a parachute.  Depending on ourselves is the same as jumping out of a plane and flapping our arms.  


John 3 explains that once we repent of our sins and place our trust in Jesus we are "Born again".  Jesus said being Born Again is the only way to eternal life.  


Eternity is forever.  This is the "Gospel" or good news. The good news is Jesus paid the price for our sins.  We must not ignore the free gift of salvation.  Being spiritually out of debt is more important than being financially out of debt. 

If you have just accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or if you have a prayer request, we would like to pray for you.  Please fill out the Feedback below.

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